Saturday, February 2, 2008

Thing #7 - Technology

Technology, technically, is a 10 letter word. Too me however, it seems more like a 4 letter word. I would love for the world to move slower. I would love for my brain to be bigger. I would love to have less information to process. I would love to return to the days when you could do business with a handshake and could talk to a real person on the telephone instead of an automated menu. I miss Andy Giriffith and Opie and Barney and Beaver and Wally and Eddie Haskell.

Oops....gotta go.....I need to answer my e-mails, text messages and cell phone messages before I set the DVR to record what I'll be missing on TV while I go hop on a machine to give me some exercise before I pick up dinner at the drive thru to save time so I can get home to answer my e-mails, text messages.......

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