Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thing #22 - Audiobooks

Wow! In the near future we'll be doing everything through our personal computers. The Greater Phoenix Digital Library is pretty amazing. I will probably always be a reader of books rather than a listener to books but I had no idea that you could download books to listen to and sometimes even be allowed to burn a copy to a CD. What a great service to people who can't physically access a library or who want the efficiency of downloading titles. The digital media tutorial on the GPDL site was a terrific help when installing the Overdrive Media Console onto your home computer.

There is a vast selection of books to download but I must admit it took me awhile to find something of interest that was actually available. And...if Microsoft and Apple can ever come to an agreement that allows using your iPod to listen to the audiobooks I may actually listen to one sometime!

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